"What you are is what you have been. What you'll be is what you do now."


Where we have come from helps us direct our future. As we celebrate our 30th Anniversary, we reflect on our growth within the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto over those years. Our aim is to further build relationships with hospitals; the medical community and decision makers who can help us achieve our vision of "International leadership in improving health through innovation in continuing education and research". Under the leadership of a new vice dean and a growing team of passionate people behind the work we do, we proudly illustrate our history.


The University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine's Division of Postgraduate Medical Education organized the first Continuing Medical Education courses. Many longstanding programs now managed by CEPD originated in PGME at this time and continue to this day. As the University of Toronto grew, enrolment in PGME spiked in the late 60's creating a demand for more programming and need for a separate Continuing Education Office.

Course Brochure from Faculty of Medicine Archives


The 1970s were an era of transition that would see Continuing Education laying the groundwork to separate from PGME. With this change came new ways to spread the word about courses to the ever growing medical community. Direct Mail marketing became a common method used for advertising individual continuing education programs along with word-of-mouth promotion through professional associations and occasional media advertisements.

  1. 1970

    Annual Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium

    Visit Website

  2. 1972

    PGME Committee begins discussion on need for a separate CE Office

  3. 1974

    Advisory Committee on Continuing Education established

    Annual Toronto Thoracic Surgery Refresher Course

    Visit Website

  4. 1975

    CE Office separates from PGME with a newly defined Administrative structure and moves to the Fitzgerald Building on the U of T St. George Campus.
    Fitzgerald Building located at College and Queen's Park
  5. Administrative structure is defined and operations continue with a Coordinator of Education Services overseeing an Administrative Assistant and 1-3 experienced Senior Secretaries.

  6. 1978

    Direct Mail marketing is most common method used for advertising individual continuing education programs along with word-of-mouth promotion through professional associations and occasional media advertisements.

  7. Proposal for the development of an expanded CME Central Office submitted to Faculty Council with research and evaluation components added to service. CE Office no longer just a service for coordinating refresher courses.

  8. Separate Committee structure established for CME

  9. CME's sole proprietorship of CME courses is challenged by the School of Continuing Studies, but SCS is unsuccessful in their bid.

  10. 1979

    (1979-1982) Development plans implemented for the expanded CME Central Office


In the 1980's the first Assistant Dean for the Faculty of Medicine's centralized CME Office is appointed and computer technology is introduced to streamline office work.

  1. 1982

    (1982-1985) Fred Fallis, Assistant Dean of CME, FOM (first to hold this title)
    View Biography

  2. 1985

    CME unit becomes an approved accreditation provider by the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) (1985-1990) Colin Woolf, Assistant Dean of CME, FOM

  3. (1985-1990) Colin Woolf, Assistant Dean of CME, FOM
    View Biography

  4. Event roster continues to grow

    Annual Organ Imaging Review

    Visit Website

  5. 1986

    CME Office moves to Grenville Street to accommodate an increase in staff

  6. 1987

    The Bruce Tovee Review Lectures; Breast Cancer Symposium


The nineties were filled with change in terms of leadership and finding a permanent home. The need to streamline process is answered by the introduction of MeetingTrak - a Microsoft Access database program, allowing registration management from multiple staff workstations.

  1. 1990

    (1990-1993) Jerry Tenenbaum, Associate Dean of CME, FOM
    View Biography

  2. 1992

    Urology Update

    Visit Website

    Biennial Canadian Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Symposium

    Visit Website

  3. 1993

    (1993-1994) Jay Silverberg, Acting Director of CME, FOM
    View Biography

  4. 1994

    (1994-2005) Dave Davis, Associate Dean of CME FOM
    View Biography

    CME Office moves back to their original home location in the Fitzgerald building

  5. 1998

    Pathology Update
    Visit Website

    Introduction of MeetingTrak - a Microsoft Access database program, allowing registration management from multiple staff workstations.

    CME Office moves to current location at 500 University Avenue


Cutting edge technology; social media; networking; branding; all become requirements to stay relevant in a competitive market. With this, CEPD re-brands with a new visual identity, tagline and website. Social media was used regularly in event marketing to help meeting attendees connect with CEPD and keep-up-to date on latest course information.

  1. 2002

    Mini Med School

  2. 2003

    Toronto Cataract Course

    Visit Website

  3. 2004

    Enhanced online registration introduced, as well as online speaker management

  4. 2005

    (2005-2011) Ivan Silver, Associate Dean & Vice Dean of CEPD, FOM
    View Biography

  5. 2006

    EvMS development - an event management system created internally to streamline event management processes.

  6. 2007

    EvMS launches, replacing MeetingTrak in the event planning process.

    Introduction to online accreditation, course proposals and electronic abstract management system.

  7. 2009

    CEPD BeBo marketing campaign launched (Better Education. Better Outcomes.)

  8. CEPD re-branded with new visual identity tagline and website

  9. Social media is introduced to event marketing. Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn CEPD accounts are created to help meeting attendees connect with CEPD and keep up to date on latest course information.

  10. Other Canadian universities show interest in using EvMS.


Continuous growth has been a consistent theme for CPD and technology has been the driver for many improvements. Our innovative EvMS system helped many universities improve their event planning processes and social media has provided new ways to engage with our learners pre and post event. Under the direction of a new Vice Dean CPD has become part of the larger Post-MD portfolio at the Faculty of Medicine.

  1. 2010

    Licensing begins for EvMS database

    Social media integrated into regular communications

  2. 2011

    Three Canadian universities start using EvMS to streamline their event planning process. EvMS Helpdesk is established to assist universities in using their licensed copy of EvMS database.

  3. 2012

    CEPD begins process to rebrand and restructure its portfolio. New areas introduced into the portfolio

    Dimitri Anastakis appointed Vice Dean, CPD (July 2012-July 2015)

  4. 2013

    Safe Opiods course introduced in Webinar format

  5. 2014

    CEPD changes its name to CPD: Continuing Professional Development.

    CPD holds inaugural Indigenous Health Conference

  6. 2015

    Development and expansion of programs with an inter-professional focus, including IDEAS (Improving and Driving Excellence Across Sectors) and ACPAC (Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care program)

    Salvatore Spadafora appointed Vice Dean of Post MD Education (July 2015-Present)

  7. 2016

    CPD becomes part of the new Post-MD portfolio at the Faculty of Medicine